Thursday, September 3, 2009


Ryan called three days after the date, which is both conventional and a relief, since I am pretty sure that this won't go anywhere. Since then we've exchanged phone messages, and I saw him at the gym tonight.

So, you want to know, why the slim chance of a future?

I really need a man who is established in life--and by "established" I truly don't mean "rich." I mean: a man who has a career, even borderline workaholic tendencies, possibly (preferably) owns his own place. (Which, by the way, is why I took the leap and bought my own little spot.) Ryan is currently going back to school for his first degree--which is admirable, but ... uneven.

It feels unfair to say these things, but for too long I've gone out with men who were nice but not intellectually interesting or challenging to me. And once you've dated someone who totally fits the bill, it's hard to let yourself slide back to the nice guys.

Anyway, there was mention of going to lunch in yesterday's phone message, and while I'm sure that would be pleasant, I would like to steer our relationship into friend territory, if at all possible. And I do know this will be difficult, but since we see each other on a fairly regular basis, I feel it is necessary. So I haven't mentioned lunch--didn't mention it tonight when I saw him, just chatted about everything else.

Big weekend ahead and several opportunities to meet new people--and drink good wine, of course!


  1. Doesn't "lunch" sound like "friend territory" already? Well, whatever about lunch, good luck this weekend. California parties....

  2. Mimi: I was thinking the same thing! But after more thought, I realize it's probably more scheduling conflicts than anything symbolic. Ah well. (Ruby)
