Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tall Guy

A friend of mine mentioned a few days ago that she wanted me to meet her coworker. "Why," I asked. "Because he's tall," she beamed. Well, I guess I've been set up for worse reasons, such as merely being unattached. (Somehow starry-eyed matchmakers find the coincidence of singlehood so startling that they forget to take other factors into consideration. Factors such as shared interests and complimentary personalities and etc.)

Well, last night I met this friend and Tall Guy for drinks. I didn't appreciate exactly how tall he is until he stood up at the end of the night. I was in 4-inch heels and he still towered over me. I am duly impressed.

But as for other crucial criteria, I don't know. He seems like the sort of guy you'd want to hang out with. It isn't that he's unattractive (he is attractive), it's more that I suspect that he's in his late 20s. Guys that age (and on into their early 30s) don't seem to be interested in relationships. And if they are interested in relationships, most often they've already managed to be in one. You know?

Anyway, I'd go out with him and suss the situation. He does drive a nice, grownup car, after all. (If he'd left in a sports car I would be more wary.) This is supposing, of course, that he found me interesting. Who knows?


  1. Hey, I'm 29 and I'm interested in relationships! And I'm tall. So don't write this fellow off on those grounds, please!

    And I'm with you on the sports car thing - who on earth sane would drive one of those other than on a race track?

  2. Thanks for putting in a good word for 29-year-old men everywhere! Sometimes I wonder if the Napa Valley isn't something of a Never Never Land for many (not all) young men to wring out every last drop of their adolescence before settling down at a seasoned 40.

    And, being tall myself, height is a very good thing. ~Ruby
