Thursday, September 24, 2009

Can the Ex Be a Friend?

So Bill (the ex) and I have been hanging out.

I know, the situation is fraught with danger. Not because I harbor any interest or attraction (though he is interesting and attractive) but because I run the risk of grinding my heel into his heart all that much more. But I'd like to think that we're past that. Who knows?

The other night I stopped by his place to pick up something he had for me, and we ended up talking over a couple of drinks. And he made dinner, and who am I to turn down dinner? Conversation was great--we really do have so much in common. But afterward I tried to pinpoint what it was, exactly, that repels my heart. There's something I don't like. I suspect it is something in his character, but maybe it's just a mannerism. I don't know.

Last night he hung out with me and a couple of friends. It was all easy, breezy--though I am still offended that he has decided that I made the wrong choice in the place I bought last spring. Grrr. Perhaps this is evidence of the hurt he still may feel.

I'm not sure we can be friends, though it is nice to try--and to feel fondly for one another. I guess that's what I feel: fondness. And there's a word that completely lacks passion!


  1. I think you CAN be friends with an ex, but it becomes easier once more time has passed since the breakup.

    Also: if he still has feelings for you, be careful not to give him any false hope of getting back together.

  2. LV: I agree on both! Hopefully he still doesn't have feelings--it has been four months. I will tread carefully. ~Ruby

  3. Hmm, always a complicated one. Don't want to seem churlish, yet don't want to lead him on either.

    Oddly, I know a couple who have recently broken up and seem to treat each other like old friends, almost as if nothing had ever happened in the first place. In a way, it seems very odd, but it appears to work for them - they are both very laid back people, though. Perhaps it can work for some not for others.
