Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Date

It was a fabulous first date. A/S and I hit it off really well, and while it's too early to say if this will truly go anywhere, I think there will be, at least, a second date.

Unless we took things too far what with the makeout sessions. Oops. And he lives just under an hour away, and one thing led to another and I spent the night. (No sex, though.)

(Loved, by the way, that he made a decisive first move and kissed me. Oh the pain of being on dates where you KNOW the guy wants to kiss you but just sits or stands there fidgeting.)

I am slightly agitated that I stayed (having read all the sage advice out there) but I also feel shruggy about it. I like A/S but am not emotionally invested--who could be at this point? We may have squashed any mystery or intrigue by all the time (ahem) spent together.

Well, time will tell. I'm off to meet a friend for lunch in downtown N____. It's a hot day here and finally feels like the summer we'd been waiting for, well, all summer.

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you. Amazing how quickly the tide can turn. Waiting for updates!
