Wednesday, October 6, 2010


First of all, a huge thank you to the wise and wonderful Mimi. Though she has moved on from her blog, she can still treat us to her wisdom and humor! Thank you, Mimi, for reminding me that feelings are feelings are feelings. And can be expressed. (Um. Top of my to do list: Find a shrink.)

This afternoon I emailed Bill. Bill the ex. Bill whose heart I broke nearly a year and a half ago. Bill who I keep in contact with now and then. The very Bill who has been dating a woman for ten months.

I emailed him just to say hey and to mention that I saw him at a distance Saturday. (And, yes, nostalgia--or something--was probably welling to the surface after the TOTGA news.) We emailed back and forth a couple of times this afternoon--very friendly. I made no mention of my dating life whereas he sprinkled his gf's name here and there in his emails. And in his final email he forwarded a bunch of vacation pics--luckily neither he nor his lady love were pictured, but there were plenty of gorgeous vistas, cozy campfires, intimate glasses of wine pictured. It irritated me.

I haven't responded and may not at all. I know I'm sensitive due to the whole TOTGA bit, and I definitely don't want to lash out at Bill over such a minor thing. I don't appreciate having their coupledness flaunted in front of me like that. I suppose it says something that Bill needs to flaunt ...

Yes, I think the best response is no response. I owe him some money. I'll drop him a check in the mail and that will be it.

In other news, that 27yo suddenly started texting me tonight--the one who has a girlfriend, supposedly. His texts are so ... 27yo. At first I thought it was a guy from work by the same name, and it all made sense because the guy at work (very young) has been really friendly lately and blushed furiously when I told him he looked nice one day. Oh, but no--it's not my workmate but this other guy and ... I don't even want to go there. (Yet I can't exactly blow him off too harshly because he's my neighbor's friend. Dammit.)

There are things I need and a 27yo paramour is not one of them.

... Or is it??

Ha. Just kidding.

What I need is A/S to be seen at my house--all 6'4" of him. That'll solve it.

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