Friday, January 7, 2011

Love in 2011?

December was wildly busy. It's funny because I don't consider myself a terribly social creature but ... it was non-stop! No dates, but parties and grabbing drinks and dinners and whew. I'm glad for the relative social stasis of January (never mind that I'm going out tonight).

No dates, though. Yep, nothing. I haven't even attempted to "get out there." There is a slight crush on a guy in our friend circle, but the crush is really DOA because:
  1. He dated (or is dating? she's out of the country at the moment) a friend of mine
  2. He's one of those guys: fabulously good looking, really social, fun, etc. I don't want to spend my time fighting off the other women. No thank you.
Anyway, this crush and I have a fun (and mild) flirtation going on. I'm happy to keep it at that.

I guess what got me thinking about dating again is that a coworker yesterday expressed surprise when I told him I was single--and had been for nearly a year. His reaction (he being a guy's guy, an interesting guy, a guy with a girlfriend) made me feel good--attractive, hopeful, etc.

But you know, my single friends, I'm not sure I really want to be in a relationship. I am enjoying my life right now so much and feel so content with who I am, where I am, that I cannot imagine meeting a person that could fit into my life or add to it or ... whatever it is healthy relationships do. This is a great thing, this happiness.

One huge contributing factor: coming to grips with my father's death (years ago) and realizing, truly, that my future partner will not be some incarnation of him. (Yes, rife with psychological processes, etc., and I should have gone to grief counseling--I'd have come to this healthy conclusion far sooner and would have had better relationships with TOTGA and Bill.) The lessons we learn!

So, what will 2011 hold? Love? Sex? (pretty please! though I'm not entirely sure I can do one without the other any more--I've gotten old-fashioned with old age. Never fear, I suspect biology will out.) Whatever the year brings in terms of romance, I feel confident that I have the self-awareness and self-confidence to handle it all well.

Can't wait to see what's around the corner!

PS: Written to the tune of a delish Cabernet.


  1. Glad for the update, and love the wine tip...
    A long-time lurker here who has just gone through a break up and is also enjoying being alone..but still thought to nudge you...maybe it's time to go back online? Have you tried OK cupid?

  2. As always -- well said! No matter what, I can predict that you'll have a fabulous year. :)

  3. @Anon: I have tried OK Cupid! I liked it pretty well but left because I just wasn't feeling up to the whole internet thing. I might go back, if the current intrigue doesn't pan out. Stay tuned!

    @LV: And here's wishing you a fabulous year, too!
