Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cinderella's Slippers Have Heels

I found cute shoes, but they're heels, and even in bare feet I'm already taller than my date. I consulted a friend about this, and she assured me that as long as I am okay with it, no worries.

I am okay with it, of course. I'm taller than most people anyway. But is it rude to flaunt one's height on a first date? On the other hand, I know shorter men who love tall women--and love them more in heels. Maybe he's one of these. Maybe he'll be drawn to my confidence, or something.

Whatever, we'll be sitting down for most of the evening anyway.

By the way, it's brutally hot in the Napa Valley this afternoon. After a mild summer, this comes as somewhat of a shock.


  1. It's hotter than hell in San Diego too! I guess it's a good thing that I'm back to work where it's almost too cold.
    I have the same problem with height and heels, btw. I know that it wasn't a problem for Julia Child, but I have no clue if men today have a problem with it. I personally need the man to be taller than me, which can be limiting for me...

  2. *Juliette*: I like a taller man, too, but I've met several outstanding shorter ones and hate to miss out on a good guy just because of a couple of inches, you know? ;) That said, I'm still waffling on the heels. Ugh.

    Heels have always felt more dressy to me and I just don't have a pair of perfect flats. What to do?

  3. I say wear the heels, and bring along a pair of flats to slip into just in case you decide to go for a walk after dinner. Or - try a barefoot walk if you are in a place that is easy on the feet (sand or grass?). Have fun!
